The thunder sounded like a mountain rolled on our front lawn. A zap zipped through the wall and electronic after electronic died a sudden death. On August 6 at 5:46 p.m., our TV, cable box, our Wi-Fi and my son’s Xbox were no more. Lightning fried anything plugged into the north facing wall.
My husband and son were out for the evening. I sat in this disaster alone. Rain pummeled the windows as the wind recklessly rearranged our porch furniture. Our house was under attack.
But we were under God’s grace. The attack was the louder of the two. At first.
It was hard to ignore the wind gusts, sheets of rain and thunder trailing in the distance. Uncertain of the extent of the damage, I started pushing buttons on our devices. None of them worked.
Grace shared its perspective.
When lightning sizzled through our walls, I was safely across the room.
The cable box and Wi-Fi were replaceable.
My son wasn’t holding a remote playing Xbox when lightning came.
Gratitude surfaced. But it felt like once the zap finished with our electronics, it headed straight for my faith. It wasn’t fried like my TV but it was fragile.
Tiny fractures can appear in our beliefs after an abrupt change of circumstances or a sudden jolt to a dream.
I wondered what God was saying as my heart was reeling. He certainly had my attention. Psalm 46:10 had the answer.
“Be still, and know that I am God! (NLT)
“That’s enough! Now know that I am God! (CEB)
As I whispered “That’s enough” I applied His command to the storm. And yet, the command also applied to me. I’d pushed enough buttons, electronic and otherwise. In a larger sense, they stood for my many attempts to fix situations only God can. You may have your own set of buttons — something you’re desperately trying to push towards restoration.
Taking my brokenness before God helps me see inaction is not ineffective, if my pause is spent in His Presence.
This stillness steadied my heart. I told fear and self-pity, “Not me. Not today.” I determined to focus on who God is and what He preserved. My laptop’s lights flickered as a signal it survived. I prayed for my husband and son. The three of us have been through a lot lately. However, after surveying our home’s structure, there was no visible damage. Our house stood strong.
“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.”– Matthew 7:24-25 NLT
When we listen to Jesus and follow Him, a storm never has the final say. His grace always does. There were several delays, but three days later our services were restored.
The lightning strike wasn’t a bizarre happenstance. It was a faith invitation. A resurrection reminder. In spite of the damage around us, in Christ we can stand. There may be delays, doubts and fears to overcome, but through Him we are restored.
Resting in this truth often takes some wrestling with my faith; particularly, when it’s been struck by lightning. A bolt is destructive to anything in its path. I have the fried devices to prove it.
However, lightning didn’t short-circuit my faith. By grace, it empowered it.
As we trust God, He takes what was meant to harm us and turns it into something it’s hard to contain — His glory.
The mountainous obstacle to His plan has to move. (Matthew 17:20)
The fear bully stops recklessly rearranging my priorities. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Truth replaces the lies pummeling my perspective. (John 8:31-32)
Trusting Him will do the same for you. Because even in a storm, knowing God always brings hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Karen Del Tatto
This was such a beautifully written post! I loved all the insights you shared. I had never saw the CEB version of Psalm 46:10. It really caused me to pause and reflect and become convicted, but in an encouraging way if that makes sense.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Karen! The CEB (Common English Bible) version of Psalms 46:10 threw me “in an encouraging way” too! 😊 I’m glad this post encouraged you.
Second time I have read be still today, it has root words than mean letting go, a dropping down like a limp dishrag. And even to healing in Hebrew. No wonder He says be still.
Amen “a daughters gift of love!” I’m loving this discussion on Psalms 46:10. I need to heed His invitation in this season and beyond. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my goodness! What a story! Amazing how God calls to our memory exactly what we need to know exactly when we need to know it. How wonderful that you have an Arsenal on promises that can provide peace in the middle of such a crazy event.
Hi Brittany! Yes, I’m grateful for the arsenal of God’s promises — especially in a storm!
Love how you describe our temporary unbeliefs as tiny fractures. This also reminds me that as facts changes, as circumstances around us changes, God’s truth and love always prevails.
Hi Sesame! Yes, God’s truth and love always prevails. Knowing that brings healing to the tiny fractures in our faith.
Amy Hornbuckle
Beautiful post! I loved “by grace it empowered it.” Resonated with this a lot! Thank you for writing this! – Take a Walk Ministries
Hi Amy! I’m glad you stopped by and received encouragement from God’s grace. Many blessings to you!
Hi Joy. I love your quote about taking our brokenness before God and waiting on Him. It has given me a focus for devotions today. Great post.
Hi Rosemarie! Yes, bringing our brokenness into God’s presence does wonders. May you experience His peace and power as you do the same!
Rachel Mayew
So empowering to see how our intentional pauses spent in his presence is the most effectual decision we can make! Hard at first, but practicing this lets him do all the heavy lifting. Thank you for this powerful reminder! And so glad you were all safe in the storm.
Thanks Rachel! Oh, to remember the power and peace found in His presence. I’ve had it with pushing buttons!
Lynn Schroeder
I enjoyed the numerous storm analogies you applied to faith. I saw myself in so many of your examples.
Hi Lynn! It sounds like the storm held many lessons for us both!
Hi Joy! I really liked where you say it wasn’t a happenstance, that it was an invitation. It got me wondering how many times I see things other than the invitation of faith that they are. Definitely some thing to ponder. We are neighbors today at #BeTheInspired
Hi Debbie! I believe faith invitations come often. It’s all about the way we RSVP. Lord help us! Thanks for stopping by!
Laura Thomas
Wow, Joy, that was quite the storm! So glad you were all safe and that even in the storms, maybe especially in the storms, God speaks. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from #raralinkup
Hi Laura! Yes, the storm was intense. Thankfully, as always, God’s faithfulness prevailed. Thanks for stopping by!