When was the last time someone hurt your feelings or made you mad?

Sooner or later, we’re all on someone’s list.

Our human nature guarantees it. We’re each a work in progress. And in the process, we can be less than sincere and more than someone else can handle.

But people weren’t meant to be handled. We were made to be loved.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! – 1 John 3:1a NLT

However, well-meaning missteps or self-serving malice makes our relationships (and our love) complicated.

In his book, A Lifelong Love, Gary Thomas asks:

“When was the last time you asked something of God’s Holy Spirit?

Help me to love more.  Help me to listen more.  Renew my heart. Give me strength. Help me forgive…”

This prayer seeks to go beyond what’s complicated to make us more like Christ. Thankfully, you and I aren’t left to do the heavy lifting of loving others by ourselves.

God is love and His Spirit knows just what we need to make the shift from our pain to His power.

Whatever challenges me the most, is often what God uses to change me the most. And eventually I realize, if every person meets all my conditions, I’ll never learn how to love unconditionally.

Three things will last foreverβ€”faith, hope, and loveβ€”and the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT

This post is part of my "Lessons I've Learned About Life (so far)" series for the #write31days challenge. To find out more start here.
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  1. So my answer on the last time someone made me mad is…. yesterday. And it was someone in my church. That has to be like a higher score on the complicated scale! I do pray to be able to let it go and love others. It’s also important to give myself a break because as you said, we’re all human. It’s not like we’re always going to be able to prevent our annoyance.

    1. Hi Joey. Yes, if there is a ranking system for complicated, “church hurt” has a special place. I’m praying for God’s grace and peace to saturate every heart involved in your sitation. Thank you for sharing.

  2. susanhomeschooling

    Unconditional love covers the imperfections and hurts of the other person and gives acceptance rather than condemnation of who they are.

    1. Hi Susan! Thanks for sharing what unconditional love means to you!

  3. I love this: people aren’t meant to be handled. They are meant to be loved. How much better life would be if I remembered to love instead of spin to my advantage. And I ask the Holy Spirit daily to help me. If I didn’t, I’d be pretty lonely since I need Him so I offer love to those I interact with every day.

    1. Hi Debbie – me too! Without the Holy Spirit’s perspective and strength, my spin would shred my relationships.

  4. How kind of the Lord to use even our pain for beauty; our trails to make us more like himself!

    1. Hi Bri! Yes, how kind and faithful He is! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Love is such a beautiful life theme. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. You’re welcome Stefani! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hi Joy! So much truth here. I especially loved this … “Whatever challenges me the most, is often what God is using to change me the most.” Amen. Learning to love like Jesus is a life-long journey. I’m still learning!

    1. Hi Debbie! From one life-long love learner to another, blessings to you!

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