A few weeks ago, my prayer devotional began with this question: Of the things I strive to accomplish, what should I leave in God’s hands?
My knee-jerk reaction said, “Everything.” Simple tasks, desperate cries and seemingly impossible dreams each fit snugly in His care. Then with a deeper reflection I considered “everything.”
My devotional’s question scanned across my soul like a search light. Eventually, it shined on the things I strive to accomplish. Here are just a few:
Loving wife and mother
Helpful sister
Inspiring writer and speaker
Encouraging friend
All of my striving belongs in God’s hands. Yet some days it stays on my mind.
My spiritual reflex signaled me to release everything to God. However, as my sense of control kicked in, I held each problem and passion closer. Each one connected to someone I love or something I love to do. Yet there was something I needed to let go.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. – 1Peter 5:7 NLT
Such an invitation should sever the tie between my cares and me. This verse could easily read, cast your cares on the Lord because with Him all things are possible…or because it will free your mind of worry…or because casting your care anywhere else is as useless as a screen door on a submarine.
Because He loves us, God longs to carry the burden of what we’re longing for.
So I aim my prayers at surrender. But sometimes I miss the mark and land in “Lord help me” instead. He does.
Do you remember where you left your last prayer? Is it tucked away on your wish list, hoping God will grant every desire? Is it safely in His hands awaiting divine direction? Is it winding its way through your heart but the words are left unspoken?
At times, I’ve searched for a faith loophole and wondered what does “leaving it in His hands” really mean?
Is it only left in His hands, if I stop thinking about it or stop longing for it?
Is it left in His hands when I stop trying to fix it or figure it out?
Does leaving “it” in God’s hands mean it no longer creates tension in my heart?
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6 and 7 NLT
As I pray about everything, sin is confessed and forgiven. Burdens are lifted. Gratitude is expressed. As I experience God’s peace, it quiets my logic and guards my trust.
Through faith in Christ, we can ask whatever we desire. Yet God desires to give us what’s best from His point of view. (See 1 John 5:14 and 15)
Otherwise, the last place we leave a prayer can leave us with much less than He intends. His wisdom accounts for past, present and future factors. His love doesn’t want us to settle for less than His glory. (John 14:13)
Because eventually, settling becomes unsettling. It happens if I swap the wonder of His plan for a wallow in worry, doubt and fear. It doesn’t sit well with me and it doesn’t speak well of God.
So I read what He’s spoken in His Word — about Himself and about me.
And the more I speak well of Him, the more my faith closes the loopholes. Then the first and last place I leave my prayer is at the throne of grace. It’s where I can always find hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Christin Baker
Amen! Philippians 4:6 is one of my favorite Scriptures, and one I return to often. It’s so easy to cast our cares upon the Lord and then “take back” those burdens the next day, wondering if God will really come through. I love how you said “the first and last place I leave my prayer is at the throne of grace.” How true! Praise God that we can cast our cares upon him and LEAVE those cares at His throne–because he cares for us! Blessings to you! 🙂
Hi Christin! Like you, Philippians 4:6 is a well worn passage for me. Blessings to you too!
excellent! the more I speak well of Him the more I remember where I’ve left those prayers of mine. somehow the speaking about and to Him makes that great difference. thanks, joy.
You’re welcome. Let’s keep speaking well of Him!
This is a great reminder of trusting God to the work.
Thanks Harmony!
What a wonderful Word! At times, when I pray over a situation that is troubling my heart, I find my wander and follow an awful path of what ifs and I begin to worry. While praying! I need to focus on WHERE I am LEAVING my prayer. I want my prayer- I NEED my prayer to be in God’s hands. The one who loves and cares for me and hears me. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Kelsey! I’m glad this post encourages you.
Rachel Lee
Joy, I loved this post! It was inspiring, and it made me take a closer look at my own life, and things that maybe God is calling me to let go of. Thank you for sharing at the #destinationInspiration linkup. I plan to feature this post on this week’s linkup! 🙂
Wow Rachel – thank you! I’m glad this post spoke to your heart. I’m honored to have the featured post in this week’s link-up on betheeinspired.com!
This is both convicting and encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing your beautifully written thoughts. No settling! Visiting you from Destination Inspiration! laurensparks.net
Hi Lauren, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Thanks for stopping by!