It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The holiday cheer is unmistakable. T’is the season for goodwill and good times. But it may also be one of the busiest times of the year.
Last week my husband’s job threw a fun-filled gala. My writer’s group met for dinner to share our reflections from the year. This week, I’m attending a volunteer appreciation and a concert at my son’s school. My list goes on and on with several other events. But I can’t help but think about the events that brought us here.
The birth of Christ marked the timeline of history. B.C or A.D. reflects the significance of His life upon our souls and our planet. The God who created the world sent His Son to save it. All my festivities pale in comparison if they cause me to lose sight of the greatest story ever told.
Heaven made sure we didn’t miss the first Christmas. A host of angels appeared to shepherds in the field. They stirred up quite a frenzy with the glorious announcement of “peace on earth, goodwill towards men.” (see Luke 2:8-15)
But peace and goodwill can become casualties if I get caught up in the frenzy of activities, without focusing on the Christ in Christmas. From the moment the season begins (which is early October for retailers), we are awash in opportunities to shop, decorate, entertain, and attend a variety of events. These can all be wonderful things. But if I don’t take a deliberate pause to put the season in perspective, the best Gift can get lost in the mix.
No ribbons or shiny wrapping paper surrounded baby Jesus. Instead, frankincense, gold, and myrrh were fitting gifts for the newborn King. But the fact that the Word wrapped in flesh came and dwelt among us is a truth that shines throughout eternity. (see John 1:1-14)
Hence, I’ve chosen to slow my pace in a reverence for the season. Reading the biblical account of Christ’s birth and listening to songs about the season’s true meaning, keeps my days more wonderful than busy. It doesn’t get any better than that to bring hope to the heart and joy to the soul.
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV
Raynette Covington
Thanks so much for the reminder and the perspective from which to view this busy time.
Crystal Dawn
An awesome reminder…never get too busy to remember our King!
Kecia P.
We are doing Advent again this year (our third year in a row). This helps us to truly focus on the reason for the season. Love what you are doing Joy. Be blessed.
I’m glad you are each enjoying the Christmas season. Yes, Kecia – Advent is a great way to focus on the Christ. Thanks for the comments!