Let Inspiration Rise!

What are you inspired to do? Create, educate, entertain, motivate? Inspiration stirs the godly purpose and passion breathing inside of you and me. And yet, as we seek to live it out, fear or doubt may try to creep in.

Fear is kryptonite to making maximum positive impact. It tells us the worst case scenario and taunts us with feelings that our dreams will never come true.

But I want to be brave; not a “fly through the sky with a cape” kind of brave (although I’m okay with that).

The courage I speak of is a “take God at His word without flinching or folding” kind of brave.

Godly inspiration takes me far beyond my comfort zone. But faith in Christ makes it a possible climb.

As a result, I’m learning how to use intimidation to fuel inspiration. What appears limiting to the human eye can become a launching pad to faith. Here are a few heroes from the Bible who continually teach me how it’s done.

Esther. Going before the king uninvited was not just risky, it could also be deadly. But Esther walked the path of the uninvited because it was paved with the purpose of God. (see Esther 4 -5:2)

Daniel. Daniel ended up face-to-face with a lion because he wouldn’t go day-to-day without praying to God. For him, this wasn’t just a tough choice; it was a faith choice. And he was miraculously rescued from the lion’s grasp. (see Daniel 6)

Mary. With King Herod on her heels and God’s Son in her arms, intimidation may have been all around Mary. But she met the challenge because she saw herself as “the servant of the Lord.” (see Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 2:1-14)

If there’s a path we’re afraid to walk, a deliverance we doubt, or a self-image we struggle with, these heroes teach us an important principle.

When God holds us in the palm of His Hand, nothing can sneak in and nothing can snatch us out. No heinous plot. No lions. And no jealous king.

Through faith in Christ, we’re forever in the Hands of God.
Therefore, everything that touches our lives has His redemptive fingerprints all over it. Through the Scriptures I can trace His power, love, and wisdom. They prompt me to see fear in a different light.

I’ve heard it put this way, “Fear has two meanings: forget everything and run or face everything and rise.” I know both “the run” and “the rise” response to fear.

If that’s you too, here’s some good news: we can run to the Lord for refuge. He is a Strong Tower for those who embrace what is right in His eyes (Proverbs 18:10). And then we rise! By faith, we are fueled by the power of the One who has already risen. Hello inspiration — and hello hope in my heart and joy to my soul.

Arise, shine, for your light has broken through!
The Eternal Oneโ€™s brilliance has dawned upon you.
See truly; look carefullyโ€”darkness blankets the earth;
people all over are cloaked in darkness.
But God will rise and shine on you;
the Eternalโ€™s bright glory will shine on you, a light for all to see.” – Isaiah 60:1-2 (Voice)

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  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Another way to look at the journey……

    1. …and what a journey it is!

  2. Stephanie Parker

    Very good inspiration advice. I really enjoyed and felt uplifted. Thank you.

    1. You’re welcome Stephanie. Thanks for stopping by!

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