Traveling season is at its peak. Trains, planes and automobiles are primed to receive passengers. I’ve taken a few short trips this summer. A weekend trip to Asheville, NC. A day trip to Atlanta. These destinations may not prompt much excitement. But I’ve been traveling elsewhere too.
Between my family’s schedule and my pursuits, my mind has hardly had a moment’s rest. I’m coordinating activities one minute and collecting new ideas the next minute. However, when my mind is all over the place there is something God wants to put all over me – His peace.
Whether my thoughts race to find a solution to a problem or pause at a sea of doubts, mentally I’m on the move. I’m either moving in God’s direction or moving further away from His peace. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference until I stop and take a look at my heart.
The examination always brings me to a security checkpoint. It is similar to the one used at airports. In fact, a few weeks ago I had this sobering experience. Brady and I were at the airport to pick-up our son as he returned from a trip.
In order to get to Ryan’s gate, I had to go through one of those checkpoints. You probably know the drill. With shoes removed and everything but the clothes on my back in a plastic bin, I proceeded through security.
As items are x-rayed and bodies are scanned TSA agents are on the alert. They are looking for anything of a suspicious nature. Whether it’s concealed or in view, any possible threat sets off an alarm.
Okay, back to my heart.
My heart’s security is at risk when I attempt to conceal anything outside of God’s will. As my heart says “no” when He says “yes” or if I choose to scatter when He says “focus,” an alarm goes off in me. Worry, doubt, fear and confusion all have a similar sound. Panic. It is the sound of insecurity vibrating through my soul.
Now it’s your turn. As you consider what’s important to you do you sense panic or peace?
I’ve seen the tiniest drop of concern explode with anxiety if it’s not covered in prayer. Prayer can silence panic’s shriek with a more urgent call — the need to trust God. He calls me into calm and covers me with the knowledge of His power and love (see Psalm 46:9-11). If I heed the “trust” call, the panic alarm shuts off. If I don’t I shut down.
I’m discouraged as my thoughts travel through my limitations. But I begin to see beauty if my mind travels in Christ’s redemption. (see John 14:27)
Have you visited somewhere special this summer or are you going somewhere soon? If you’ve been short on exotic destinations but long on mental exhaustion here’s some good news: peace is not just possible; it’s perfect if we keep our mind on God. Despite our flaws it is full of His faithfulness. It is a grace-driven train of thought carrying hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” – Isaiah 26:3 NLT
Rahama Harewood
Omg!! You’ve done it again! God’s done it again! What a perspective on our travels! Love “the perfection of peace!” The life application is so powerful and timely especially through this season!
Linda Gavin Thompson
I love this Joy!! I love the message and I needed it.
Thanks Rahama and Linda. I’m glad this post took you somewhere you “needed” to go – further into the presence and peace of God!
This is so timely– I’m traveling in a few days, and ready for that change of pace. When I return I’m having major surgery so what you described resonates deeply… I thank God for his Peace & confirmation that all will be well. And my take away is to stay in the moment and let go.
Safe travels and restored health to you Linda. May you continue to experience God’s peace and strength in the days and weeks ahead. I’m praying for you!
Joy,I’ve been on that train and it’s beautiful. Your post certainly makes one stop and think
Wow Patricia! I’m sure that was some train ride.
This is a timely message for me. Thank you for opening my heart and mind today!
I’m glad this post is encouraging. Thanks for stopping by Lori!
Serenity does lead you on a journey. Peaceful nature is a calming experience too.
It’s wonderful when we experience peace on our journey. Thanks for stopping by Smith-Diakite. Join the conversation here anytime. Blessings to you!
Elizabeth Grant
This was a blessing Joy! I just returned from a trip and this was on point because I feel I am still traveling. Not sure if its the end of summer blues or that I am back to the real world and there are “things” God wants me to do in my Christian jouney with Him. The good thing is that He is the driver when I daily leave it in His control.
Thanks for your comments and sharing your “traveling” with us Liz! May God continue to lead you in your next steps.