During our first 12 years of marriage, my husband and I moved every 3 years or so. Each relocation came courtesy of the United States Marine Corps as Brady served on active duty. For the most part, I loved the adventure.

But our first relocation had its share of anxiety. I wondered about our new life in a new city and I had to adjust to the movers. Strangers arriving with packing tape, corrugated boxes and clip boards felt like an intrusion.

I knew they were the professionals but moving is deeply personal.

And yet, “movers” arrive in our lives all the time. They represent situations that prompt us to move on to the next phase of a relationship or a routine. Sometimes they move us into a completely new reality.

You may be in the middle of a literal move or perhaps, like me, your physical location is the same; but you’re facing new challenges. Instead of packing tape, boxes and checklists, many transitions come with emotions that are hard to contain and tasks that are hard to avoid.

In my parenting and in my writing, in my prayer life and this pandemic I’m challenged with going forward from the familiar. However, in each case, it is an opportunity to grow. As I consider what it means to seek God and find my way in His will, I’m comforted by these words from Apostle Paul:

For “In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said,” For we are indeed his offspring. (Acts 17:28 ESV)

Being a child of God means living in the reality of God.

But let’s face it, some realities are harsh. They take a while to set in and even longer to sort through. But knowing my existence is enveloped by God’s presence, changes everything. Through faith in Jesus, I can rest assured. Every situation I face is being shaped by His grace, His wisdom and power. (see Romans 8:28-30)

Our first military move illustrates this truth. Brady and I had a few items we needed before we arrived at our next duty station. As a reminder to the movers, I used a chair to block off the corner where the items were placed. I covered it with a sign that read “Please do not pack.” ”

Similarly, as we seek to adjust to life events, God’s grace becomes our corner and our cover. Through Him, what we need to keep in order to move forward is preserved.

The psalmist puts it this way.

You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.(Psalm 139:5 and 6 ESV)

Due to Brady’s military and civilian careers, eight cities later, I’ve learned a lot about relocation. I know the heartache of leaving something cherished behind and the hesitancy of embracing the unknown. But with God behind us and before us, I could take the blessings He’s given with me. I can look ahead to His faithfulness and take heart.

As the Message translation of Psalm 139:5 and 6 states,

“I look behind me and you’re there,
then up ahead and you’re there, too— your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in!”

If we want to experience the next move of God, we must embrace the way He chooses to move.

If it’s moving day in your life, take heart my friend. Whether we’re looking at packed boxes or we struggling to pick up the pieces of what’s broken in our lives, God holds us close. His grace and mercy are the “professionals.” They escort us from where we are to where He desires us to be in Him.

Let’s pray about it:

Dear God, It's moving day. It's time for me to take the next step toward trusting You. It's time to release my fears and cling to Your faithfulness and love. But I need Your strength for these steps. I need Your wisdom in every decision. Thank You for laying Your hand upon me. Through my faith in Jesus, Your reassuring presence covers my life. Thank you for providing everything I need to move forward in Your plan. In Jesus's name, Amen.
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  1. Donna A. Johnson

    Joy, this is exactly where I am at this point in my life. This is timely confirmation that I must continue to trust in the Lord and that I must continue to allow Him to order my steps! May God continue to bless and keep you! Love to the family!

    1. Hi Donna! Yes, trusting God is essential in my next moves as well. Many blessings to you too!❤

  2. Joy, I love all of your posts, but this one is IT for me! This has struck such a resounding chord, as I am ready for the next of what God has for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please continue the great work God has begun in you to encourage, inspire and inform.

    1. Thank you Sabrina! May you experience great clarity and peace as God leads you in your next move!

  3. Bethany McIlrath

    Joy, this hits my heart. We have moved long distance 5 times in the 8 years we have been married. Our most recent move was this summer, so we are at the “how are those last 3 boxes still sitting packed in the closet?” stage. Praying with You, grateful God moves with us and His grace is our corner and cover!

    1. Hi Bethany (and my fellow relocation expert)! I hope you and the family enjoy your new home.❤

  4. I’ve never moved around much, so the thought of it is terrifying. But your thoughts about it bring peace. I love this: “His grace and mercy are the “professionals.” They escort us from where we are to where He desires us to be in Him.”

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank God for the “professionals!”

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