I love miracles. They arrive when I least expect them and cause a lingering awe.

Whether it’s the Red Sea parting, an illness disappearing or a prodigal returning, miracles supersede the natural course of things.

What should be the end is also a new beginning.

What looks like a failure starts to function.

What’s poised for tragedy becomes a triumph as a merciful expression of God’s grace.

Right now, I could stand a miracle or two. Maybe you could too.

People I love are hurting. Causes I deeply care about need funding. Societal problems seem unending. But according to the psalmist, miracles are well within our reach.

Every word you give me is a miracle wordโ€” how could I help but obey? (Psalm 119:129 MSG)

What does it take for a word to get “miracle” status?

Any utterance from God will do.

From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture stands ready to miraculously reveal His heart, His plan and His Son.

Every promise from God is a word to stand on and a miracle to count on — even if it seems delayed. It’s done.

So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do Godโ€™s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. (Hebrews 10:35โ€ญ-โ€ฌ36 NLT)

I’ve had my share of anxiety-inducing thoughts. They are a sure sign I’m throwing away my confidence in Him. But as I focus on God’s word, assurance-building faith helps me endure.

If I only want some of what He’s promised, patience is optional.

But if I want all of what He’s promised, patience and obedience are necessary.

If your miracle seems delayed or even undeserved, be encouraged. I’ve learned not to minimize the miracles of peace in the midst of a storm, wisdom when given countless choices and comfort when we need it the most.

God’s ways often baffle human reasoning. Things may not happen when or how we desire, but we can still commit ourselves to what He has purposed.

Amazingly, the more I see His love as unfailing, the more I see His instructions as irresistible.

As I believe His Word is my miracle, how could I help but obey?

This Lenten season, as I seek to focus on 3 Ways to Focus on Renewal, His Word is where I choose to stand.

As Christ journeyed toward the Cross, the miraculous was in the making. Every obedient step He took to die for our sins and save our souls, encourages us to take obedient steps too.

The steps will challenge us and change us because there is a miracle in the making.

I don’t know the details of how it will unfold in your life or mine. But I know it will supersede the natural course of things. His redemption always does.

What looks like the end will also be a new beginning.

A failure will somehow begin to function.

What’s poised for tragedy will become a triumph as a merciful expression of God’s grace.

Let’s build our confident trust in Him and keep it. All He has promised us is waiting, including hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

Sharing is caring !
  1. I think we need to expect miracles more than we do.

    1. Yes we do!

  2. Thank you. This really spoke to me today.

    1. I’m glad Pam. Blessings (and miracles) to you!

  3. It is so true that what looks like your end is only Godโ€™s beginning. We have to keep the faith and trust that all things will work together for our good.

    1. Well said Brandi! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I really like the thought about if we are really wanting โ€œall of what He has promised then patience and obedience are a mustโ€ it is so very true and I most definitely do want all of that strength, peace, comfort, joy and all the abundance of living abundantly in Christ!! This was encouragement to my heart today ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks April! I’m glad this post encouraged you!

  5. I have seen many miracles in my life even through the hardest of times in the deaths of my daughter, then a year later my son & then my late husband’s fight with brain cancer.

    His love, peace & comfort through these times is miraculous.

    You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa,

    1. Hi Jennifer, I’m sorry to hear about your losses. In times of grief, I’ve also experienced God’s presence miraculously mend my broken heart. Continued strength and blessings to you!

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