As I continue my Lenten reflection on 3 Ways to Focus on Renewal, the last two weeks we focused on renewing the mind with Gods Word. This week's post begins our focus on renewing our yield to His will.

A national talk show host recently revealed she lives in a sober house for recovery. She stood tall and teary-eyed admitting her battle with addiction.

It couldn’t have been easy.

However, the celebrity’s willingness to share her truth reminded me we’re all recovering from something.

The loss of a loved one or a cherished dream, mistreatment from a friend or foe or even misunderstanding the power of God’s grace can lead to a sobering experience. However,

Being transparent can feel like your soul is on display and everyone might not like the contents.

And yet, being transparent can also put God’s grace on display as we explore how He transforms the soul.

For years, raising the curtain on my fears, failures, hopes and dreams was something I wanted to avoid. With the exception of a close friend and family, I felt like the details of my life were nobody’s business.

Unlike the TV host, there was no media interest in capturing moments I’d rather keep secret. But I was hiding the call to share who I was becoming through faith in Christ.

For you are to be his witness, telling everyone what you have seen and heard. What are you waiting for? (Acts 22:15-16a NLT)

If we are waiting for permission, we have it. But if we are waiting for courage, we must yield to Christ’s power within us.

Through Scripture and life’s experiences, I’ve “seen and heard” a lot.

Authenticity is about sharing my faults and my faith.

But at its best, transparency points to Christ’s redemption far more than it points to my reckless choices or tragic circumstances.

We may not choose to share our life’s story with everyone. But sharing it with someone frees us from denial and superficiality.

I forfeit the opportunity to be honest, if “fine” is my reflex response to “How are you?”

I once heard “fine” stands for “Feelings Inside Never Exposed.” I never want to be that FINE.

I realize some experiences are best unwrapped in the care of a licensed Christian counselor or trusted confidant. I’ve had those conversations and I’ve grown through the years.

Sometimes my answer to “How are you?” comes through tears.

But at 5’3″, it’s hard for me to stand tall and do anything, unless I consider God’s grace and truth in Christ. As Jesus journeyed to the Cross, I see how victory often comes at the cost of vulnerability.

Being transparent is empowering. It allows me to own my undoing and share what Christ has done.

It deepens my relationship with Him and with others.

It turns FINE into freedom.

Wisdom lets us know what details of our lives to share and when to share them. I aim to be open to what God has in mind as I write. Speak. Live.

Younger me would cringe and call current me crazy.

But younger me would’ve never made it this far, if Christ hadn’t made it His business to save me.

I pray the talk show host gets the help she needs to overcome her current struggles. No doubt her bold display of honesty helped others tell their truths too.

What would God have us to share to lighten our load or bring light to someone else’s? The result could bring hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

This post is also part of the "Becoming More" series! To read more posts in the series click here.
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  1. Being transparent is not something I find easy but I’m gradually learning to do it more. I love how you point to the fact that in sharing our stories we should be pointing to Christ’s redemption above all else.

    1. Hi Lesley! My “transparency” journey continues as well. I find having Christ’s redemption as my focus, takes the pressure off me. Everyone needs something to be redeemed.

  2. Being transparent is not something that comes naturally to me. I grew up as a pleaser, an introvert, and something of a control freak. Not a good combination for transparency. LOL But God amazing grace in my own life compels me to share so I can encourage others. I loved what you said about courage and yielding to God so He can work through us. Great post!

    1. Hi Donna! Thanks for sharing your “transparency story.” May God continue to work through you with His amazing grace!

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