As I continue to look at 3 ways to focus on renewal, I see Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. He fiercely resisted every reason to say “No” to dying for our sins on the Cross.

Luke 22:39-42 gives us the details.

Jesus was in such “agony of spirit,” His sweat became drops of blood. With our salvation in mind, He fought hard for His “Yes” and He won.

I’ve agonized over many things, but His level of intensity is difficult to imagine.

The cost of a godly choice is often steep. However, my “yes” gives voice to Christ’s victory in me.

I listened for His voice as I recently completed a three-year program to become a licensed minister. God’s work went deeper than adding a title before or after my name.

He required more access to my heart which required me to trust Him more with my life.

I said yes. But I had to fight for it.

I still do.

If you’ve ever said “yes” to God about anything, you know what I mean.

If a commitment or goal is worth fighting for, a fight will come.

As we settle into God’s will, something attempts to distract our focus or discourage our resolve to say,

“Yes, I believe God loves me and He wants the best for my life .”

“Yes, I’ll be accountable for my sin and get help with my struggles.”

“Yes, I forgive the person who did what feels unforgivable.”

“Yes, I’ll complete the assignment or share the resources God has given me.”

Yes, I’ll trust God is true to His Word — no matter what.”

Your recent wrestle with His will may or may not be on this list, but

Saying “yes” to God is only half the battle. Living “yes” is the real test.

A year after I submitted my application to the”Ministers in Training” program, my father died. A “yes” was still beating in my heart, but now it shared space with my grief.

Other losses followed; including my brother-in-law and a dear friend. More unexpected challenges arose as raising a teenager became a mountain my husband and I are still trying to climb.

For me, answering the call to become a minister became a spiritual boot camp.

Each difficult circumstance tested my endurance or taught me lessons I needed to remember long after my training was over.

Given adverse conditions and intense emotions, I’d like to think I have what it takes to press on.

But answering God’s call to do anything, takes a holy resolve.

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (Philippians 2:13 NLT)

Our desire alone is wishful thinking. Our power alone is an empty offering.

However, Jesus showed us how it’s done.

Our fight for the win is final as our desire leads us to do what pleases God.

Then a sacrificial “yes” comes shining through.

It comes at the cost of our selfish desires or someone else’s approval. Even if I feel pushed past my limit, I’m also put in position to receive the most help from Him.

God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 MSG)

As He offers His help, I pray we recognize and receive it.

Help appears as I meditate on a bible verse, say a prayer or sing a worship song. I see it as I connect with people who are fighting for their “yes to Him” too.

He always does more than we can imagine to bring hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

Sharing is caring !
  1. May God help us trust Him more in our decision to live fully for Him. Thanks so much for this reminder. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi Boma! Living fully for God is a continual process. May we always keep it as our goal. Blessings to you too!

  2. Living “yes” is the real test. How true. Thank you, Joy.

    1. Thanks Lauren!

  3. Michelle O'Banion

    A timely message, Oh Thank You Joy, for your “work” ♡

    1. Hi Michelle! I’m grateful anytime God uses His “desire and power” in me to encourage someone else!

  4. A very timely post for me to read! Needed this particular encouragement for a specific situation right now!! God is absolutely giving me strength and I know that if He is giving me a direction and a desire then it is His YES to complete in me. #RechargeWednesday linkup

    1. Yes, April — His YES will see you through!

  5. This was perfect timing! Thanks so much for your words!

    1. You’re welcome Mad Foodie (love that name)! May your “Yes” to God be strengthened by what He desires to do in and through you!

  6. Thank you for sharing such an encouraging post. Sometimes I think we expect being in God’s will to make it easier. But that is not necessarily true. We need to trust Him every step of the way. He is definitely at work to fulfill His perfect purposes in our lives!

    1. Well said Cheryl! Knowing God is at work, even as we struggle, is the encouragement we need to keep our “yes!”

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