gold and white analog watch

Summer memories may linger, but it’s time for a change. Autumn bursts on the scene with pumpkin flavored everything and the promise of vividly colored leaves.

Just as fall is upon us, there are many seasons in our lives. Times of celebration and progress are welcome additions. However, grief and struggles are unavoidable experiences.

Thankfully, seasons change.

Each time there’s a shift to winter, spring, summer or fall, there’s a trend.

The Creator gave us clues to signal seasonal transitions.

The temperature rises or falls.

Fruit forms or falls away.

Days or nights become longer.

As I seek God about what needs to start, end or begin again, I need to be honest.

I need to be free from past hurts or at least, willing to work through them. I need to be in tune with what pleases Him and what hinders His plan.

When it’s time for a change, my imagination goes wild — in faith and fearful directions.

Faith tells me things can change for the better.

Fear tells me better will never come.

Every activity under heaven has a set time. There’s a window for what makes us feel wonderful and a cut-off for what makes us feel weary. But the test in every season is if we’re willing to trust God.

As I seek to adapt to new situations, new goals require a new mindset.

God’s seasonal clues have me thinking.

Is the temperature of my devotion to Him rising or falling?

Knowing what fuels my love for God — receiving salvation through Christ and realizing He first loved me — inspires godly transformation.

Which leads me to the next sign for a new season.

Is the fruit of the Spirit blooming in me or becoming less visible?

The power of my pivot happens when I’m open to His fruit forming in me. Otherwise, I grow frustrated by what’s not changing around me, instead of yielding to what God desires to do in and through me.

Whatever we choose, eventually, life unfolds in ways that makes us feel like days or nights are longer.

It allows me to see if my circumstances dictate my commitment to Christ. If my commitment to Him only shines when days are bright, a growth opportunity is a grace opportunity.

These perspective checks are purposeful. Regardless of what is changing in our lives — for better or for worse — God never changes. (see James 1:17)

He is faithful in every season.

His word is true in every circumstance.

Depending on where you live, autumn may be on full display or just starting to hint at its arrival. However, what changes are you facing?

When change is painful, it also changes our level of dependency on God. Our relationship with Him can deepen in our desperation or grow distant over time.

When change is delightful, a long-awaited desire becomes a new reality. If it feels too good to be true, His grace helps me grasp it.

Whether the temperature rises or falls, fruit forms or falls away or our days or nights become longer, godly transformation is intentional. It’s the choice that always leads to hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

The winner of last week’s drawing is Lisa!

Sharing is caring !
  1. Loved the insights you shared here and how you drew them from the changing seasons.

    Great post!

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Karen! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Letting God in and letting go of whatever is causing anxious feelings is similar to the “with every season, there is a reason” metaphor. Breathe in newness, breathe out stress and fear.
    Live, laugh, love.

    1. Hi Ginny! Yes, every season has its reason. And no matter what causes the season, I continue to lean how to trust God. He is worthy!

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